We are writing to provide an update regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the UK Government national emergency measures. Our aim is to maintain all services critical to the continued supply of foodstuffs to the market whilst complying with the Government measures for citizens to stay at home if possible and where they need to work, practice the required social distancing.
We would therefore appreciate your support at this time to ensure that we can target our resources to ensure that as many food supply chains remain open as possible.
We will therefore be focussing to prioritise the following categories of analysis for our clients:
Where testing forms a critical assurance measure for food safety which will therefore be part of a positive release mechanism
Where testing is needed to support food safety and legality issues

To allow us to plan laboratory staffing and maintain social distancing please could you notify us of any sample being submitted by emailing paslabs@premierfoods.co.uk prior to submission. This will also enable us to check for receipt in the event of any samples being lost in transit.
As many businesses are re-considering the criticality of their NPD programmes at this time this will also help to reduce the burden on limited resources such as ours.
If you require assistance with rationalising your testing needs, we would be more than happy to help, with our technical experts advising on where you may be able to reduce back, delay or composite sampling. If you would like this free service, please let us know.
Please be assured that PAS is taking all possible steps to ensure the continuity of our service provision and will be continuing to focus on our client needs during this time.
For any further information, please contact our Commercial Team on +44 (0) 1494 809 601/602.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dr Clare Hazel FRSC FIFST RFoodSP
Head of Premier Analytical Services