Erucic Acid in Oil Preserved Foods

Erucic Acid in Oil Preserved Foods

The Food Standards Agency have reported the results of a survey on erucic acid in pickles, sauces and preserved vegetables imported from parts of Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and India, in which illegal levels were found in over 10% of products Erucic acid is a natural...
EFSA Opinion on Zearalenone in Animal Feeds

EFSA Opinion on Zearalenone in Animal Feeds

The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Scientific Panel on Contaminants has released an Opinion on zearalenone in animal feeds. Zearalenone (ZEA or F2) is a mycotoxin produced by cereal species of Fusarium fungi (including F.graminearum). These fungi are common,...
Salmonella Outbreaks

Salmonella Outbreaks

Two outbreaks of Salmonella infection have occurred recently. The first took place in Downpatrick Northern Ireland where over 100 cases of diarrhoea and vomiting were traced to a S. typhimurium infection. The source of this infection was reported to be a small hot...
Detection of Meat in Vegetarian Foods

Detection of Meat in Vegetarian Foods

Scientists at RHM Technology have carried out research on behalf of the Food Standards Agency to help ensure that the meat-free food eaten by vegetarians and people from certain ethnic groups is not contaminated by meat. Our DNA based technique, verified by the...
Aflatoxin Mycotoxins in Nuts and Nut Products

Aflatoxin Mycotoxins in Nuts and Nut Products

Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) are highly toxic mycotoxins that can occur naturally in certain food crops including nuts (e.g. Brazil, peanut, pistachios, almonds). Due to concerns about their toxicity regulatory limits are in place, a recent Food Standards Agency...