Mycotoxins in Baby Foods
The UK Food Standards Agency have recently published the results of a survey of various mycotoxins (ochratoxin A, aflatoxins and patulin) in 199 baby and infant food products. www.food.gov.uk/science/surveillance/fsis2004branch/fsis6804 Overall the level of mycotoxin...
Agencies step up action on Spanish egg-linked salmonella outbreaks
The Health Protection Agency and the Food Standards Agency are stepping up action to protect the public’s health following continued outbreaks of particular strains of salmonella since 2002, many of which have been linked to Spanish eggs used in the catering...
Chemical Reactions in Food V conference in Prague
Two researchers from RHMT recently attended the Chemical Reactions in Food V conference in Prague www.rhmtech.co.uk/pdf/finprog.pdf where they were showcasing RHMT’s latest advances in contaminant research. For acrylamide, a new rapid and sensitive method has...
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